# Case studies
Let's now see practical examples of using Live plugin.
Following examples use this set on handlers:
// fahrToCel:
function(temp) { return (temp - 32) * 5/9 }
// setStatus:
(value) => isNaN(value) ? 'unknown' : value < 50 ? 'ok' : value < 75 ? 'warning' : value < 95 ? 'critical' : 'down'
// getWeather:
function (weatherLabel) {
switch(weatherLabel) {
case "It's a sunny day!":
return "sun";
case "Day to be on a cloud!":
return "cloudy";
case "Sky is crying...":
return "rain";
case "THUNDERS !":
return "lightning";
default: return "night";
# Simple node
Imagine a graph with only one Live node: Weather widget
Weather widget
is a graph node created by Zenetys.
Component shape depends on the value stored in its Status property.
Available values are: sun cloudy rain lightning & night.
# Init
Live Attributes stored in graph root:
- API: https://happy-weather-reports.net/api/v2
- Refresh: 5
- API Key: ZXhhbXBsZQ==
Weather widget content:
Live Attributes stored in graph node:
- API Object: /cities/France?city=paris&date=now
- Source: data.entries[1]
Live Properties stored in graph node:
- status: =return handlers.getWeather(self.happy_expression);
# API Calls
When update process starts:
Weather widget:
- Widget requests /cities/France?city=paris&date=now API endpoint.
- Node uses ZXhhbXBsZQ== as Authorization header value to authenticate. API response:
"status": 200,
"data": {
"entries": [
"continent": "Europe",
"country": "France",
"city": "Paris",
"date": 1625945220790
"temperature": {
"value": 77,
"unit": "Fahrenheit"
"clear_sky": false,
"rain": false,
"wind": true,
"lightning": false,
"happy_expression": "Day to be on a cloud!"
# Get exploitable data
Once raw data are received:
Weather widget
As Source value is data.entries[1]
, node computed exploitable data is:
"temperature": {
"value": 77,
"unit": "Fahrenheit"
"clear_sky": false,
"rain": false,
"wind": true,
"lightning": false,
"happy_expression": "Day to be on a cloud!"
# Get updated values
Updates values are finally computed.
Weather widget
- status: JS instructions return cloudy which is Status property updated value.
← Handlers